Milking the Zeitgeist

Review of Mathilde Cohen and Yoriko Otomo, eds. Making Milk: The Past, Present, and Future of our Primary Food


  • Laura Wright Western Carolina University Author



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Author Biography

  • Laura Wright, Western Carolina University

    Laura Wright is Professor of English at Western Carolina University, where she specializes in postcolonial literatures and theory, ecocriticism, and animal studies. Her monographs include Writing Out of All the Camps: J. M. Coetzee's Narratives of Displacement (Routledge, 2006 and 2009) and Wilderness into Civilized Shapes: Reading the Postcolonial Environment (U of Georgia P, 2010).  She is lead editor (with Jane Poyner and Elleke Boehmer) of Approaches to Teaching Coetzee's Disgrace and Other Works (MLA, 2014). Her most recent monograph, The Vegan Studies Project: Food, Animals, and Gender in the Age of Terror, was published by the U of Georgia P in 2015 and is considered the establishing text in the field of Vegan Studies. Her edited collection Doing Vegan Studies: Textual Animals and Discursive Ethics is forthcoming in 2018 from the University of Nevada Press.




How to Cite

“Milking the Zeitgeist: Review of Mathilde Cohen and Yoriko Otomo, Eds. Making Milk: The Past, Present, and Future of Our Primary Food”. 2019. Humanimalia 10 (2): 250-55.