Le Clézio in the Darién forests with the Emberá: a poetic rejuvenation


  • Simon Levesque Université Laval / Université du Québec à Montréal




J.M.G. Le Clézio, Darién, Emberá, radical otherness, ecocriticism, childhood


Between 1970 and 1974, the writer J.M.G. Le Clézio traveled on multiple occasions, for six to eight months at the time, in the forests of the Darién region, at the border of Panama and Colombia. To this day, the Darién Gap is exempt of mass infrastructures et forms a vast natural zone that cuts the Americas in two halves. The aim of this article is to describe how the ecological awakening of the writer originates from his “Panamanian adventure”, and how it leads to an accrued sensibility towards minored peoples, such as the Emberá who welcomed him. This awakening is violent at first, and is expressed literary through the motif of the clash of civilizations. Afterwards, a slip towards a poetic renewal is observed, which culminates in L’inconnu sur la terre (1978). Drawing from primary sources (Haï, 1971; La fête chantée, 1997) and secondary sources (the many interviews the writer has given over the years), the modalities of transformation of the Leclezian poetic are assessed in the face of the central and intimate role that nature plays in it. In doing so, two periods of the writer’s life are related: the year he spent in Nigeria as a child in 1948 (as told in L’Africain, 2004), and the sojourns in the Darién, in his early thirties. These two periods colliding let us understand the return to wild life as the source of a poetic rejuvenation.

Author Biography

  • Simon Levesque, Université Laval / Université du Québec à Montréal

    Simon Levesque holds a PhD in semiotics. He is a lecturer in the Department of literary studies at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and a postdoctoral fellow in sociology at Centre de recherche Cultures · Arts · Sociétés (CELAT) at Université Laval, Québec, Canada. His doctoral thesis focused on four years in the Leclezian literary production (Le Clézio 1970-1974 : une politique de la littérature, UQAM, 2020). He joined the Literature.green project as an associate member in 2021. He is the editor the Cygne noir journal in semiotics.




How to Cite

“Le Clézio in the Darién forests with the Emberá: a poetic rejuvenation” (2022) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 16(1), pp. 103–125. doi:10.51777/relief12346.