The Tale and the Mask: autobiographical ambivalence in Maryse Condé's "Le Cœur à rire et à pleurer"


  • Odile Hamot Université des Antilles



Maryse Condé, autobiography, Marthe Robert, fiction, epigraph


This article aims to study the link between fiction and autobiography in Maryse Condé’s Le Cœur à rire et pleurer, whose generical ambiguity has not always been perceived by readers willing to see it as the authentic narrative of the author’s Guadeloupean childhood. Nevertheless, many elements, including paratextual ones, should be interpreted with circumspection, beginning with the unquestioned notion of “true tale”, or the Proustian epigraph that seems, on the threshold of the book, to denounce the pointlessness of any pretention to render the past, as well as too naively biographical readings. Without any doubt, the mask and obliquity aesthetic settled by Maryse Condé lies in the oscillation between the two contradictory poles of reality and fiction, as the only way to reach a truth of being, deeper, more painful, that the autobiographical language could not reach in its meticulous exactitude

Author Biography

  • Odile Hamot, Université des Antilles

    Odile HAMOT is a lecturer in modern and contemporary French literature at the University of the West Indies. She devotes her research to the relationship between poetry, philosophy and theology and is also interested in the links between literature and the history of ideas and in the literature of intimacy. She has published Obscur symbole de Lumière. Le Mystère dans la poésie de Saint-Pol-Roux, (Honoré Champion, 2013); edited the collective work Terre(s) promise(s): représentations et imaginaires (Garnier, 2021); and has written articles devoted to Rimbaud, Claudel, Mallarmé, Ernest Hello or André Schwarz-Bart, among which: "Ombre de Solitude ou les paradoxes de l'héroïsme dans La Mulâtresse Solitude d'André Schwarz-Bart", Études caribéennes, 2019; "Hérodiade aux miroirs", Études mallarméennes, 2021.




How to Cite

“The Tale and the Mask: autobiographical ambivalence in Maryse Condé’s ‘Le Cœur à rire et à pleurer’” (2021) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(1), pp. 185–198. doi:10.51777/relief10895.