‘Biguine d’amour’ : ‘recitual’ intermelodicity in La Mulâtresse Solitude


  • Esther Eloidin




André Schwarz-Bart, La Mulâtresse Solitude, music, intertextuality, intermelodicity


In La Mulâtresse Solitude, André Schwarz-Bart tells a story at the junction of several song texts which he echoes, transmits, reinterprets, emphasizes, covers and transforms. Applying to this story the transposition of the principle of the intertextual approach to the musical domain, as Florence Mouchet suggests in her study on medieval songs, seems obvious. This study will concern itself with intermelodicity, the secondary story of which can be read as a long ‘recitual’ dedicated to the memory of the slaves and more particularly to that of the Mulâtresse Solitude. The work carried out by Kathleen Gyssels, Élie Duprey and Francine Kaufmann allows us to extend the reflection in this direction. This is why this analysis attempts to shed a new light on the deeply enigmatic character of Schwarz-Bartian music.

Author Biography

  • Esther Eloidin

    Esther Eloidin is a PhD student in ethnomusicology at the University of the Antilles. Formerly a professor-documentalist, professor of musical education and choral singing in secondary education, and director of a cultural center in northern Martinique, she is also a radio host and journalist. Her ​​research focuses on the lyrics of vulgar Caribbean songs, in order to analyze the evolution of society. She is the author of Quatre siècles de chansons grivoises et paillardes aux Antilles-Guyane (2021) and Papy Héloise, Un artiste aux multiples facettes suite à un travail de collecte incluant un recueil de partitions d’un musicien de guitare hawaïenne, Lunel Héloise (2004). In 2003, she defended her thesis La haute-taille: tradition musicale rurale du sud de la Martinique, at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.




How to Cite

“‘Biguine d’amour’ : ‘recitual’ intermelodicity in La Mulâtresse Solitude” (2021) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 15(2), pp. 80–93. doi:10.51777/relief11436.