Olivia Rosenthal's interpretive exercises. Reception, between the intimate and the collective


  • Estelle Mouton-Rovira Bordeaux Montaigne University




Olivia Rosenthal, reception, reading, narrative, identification, polyphony, cinema


Based on On n'est pas là pour disparaître, Que font les rennes après Noël ?, Toutes les femmes sont des aliens¸ Éloge des bâtards and Futur antérieur, this article proposes to consider the process of reception in Olivia Rosenthal as a narrative form. Viewing movies, but also listening to oral narrations reveal the way in which readers and spectators allow themselves to be influenced or on the contrary resist the phenomena of identification that the narration arouses. Olivia Rosenthal's texts contribute to rethink aesthetic reception and offer a set of interpretative exercises which question the construction of the self, but also the relationship to the other, thus questioning how narrative reshapes both individual and collective ways of sharing experience.

Author Biography

  • Estelle Mouton-Rovira, Bordeaux Montaigne University

    Estelle Mouton-Rovira is a lecturer at the Bordeaux Montaigne University. Her current work focuses on contemporary literature; she is specialized in theories of reading and interpretation. She is interested in representations of reception, including from an intermedial perspective. She also conducts a project on the representations of women readers and on the place of gender in reception.




How to Cite

“Olivia Rosenthal’s interpretive exercises. Reception, between the intimate and the collective” (2022) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 16(2), pp. 35–49. doi:10.51777/relief13495.