French literary language studies : Pour une anthropologie de la « langue française »
French studies, Barthes, French theory, writing, literary languageAbstract
French Studies can be thought of as a specific kind of linking and framing of elements issuing from French culture. They present two defining features : their site of production is not France, but the English-speaking world, especially the United States, and as a discursive production bearing this stamp of origin, they often free those engaged in them from an intensive practice of the French language. This is what leads us, as a possible follow-up to the work of Gilles Philippe, to propose French Literary Language Studies, which would have as their object the “literary language” of the French and Francophone world, and as their methodology a cross between Barthes-inspired semiology, thematic analysis and literary history.Downloads
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How to Cite
“French literary language studies : Pour une anthropologie de la « langue française »” (2014) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 8(2), pp. 106–122. doi:10.18352/relief.900.