Epiloog: Van opleiden op de werkplek naar leren op de werkplek


  • J. Onstek



In this Epilogue some comments are made on the papers in this issue and lines for future research are sketched. There is evolving a typical Dutch trend of studies into training and learning on the job. However, research into the work process as learning site and into the learning potential of the actual job has been underrepresented. The model of the learning potential of jobs is introduced as an analytical tool. The learning potential refers to the likelihood that learning processes will occur in a particular job situation. This likelihood depends on the available competencies and learning abilities of the employee; the willingness to learn of the employee; the learning opportunities on the job and the availability of training on-the-job, including relationships and mutual influences of these factors. With regard to learning opportunities relevant characteristics of structure, content, information environment and social environment in the work situation are emphasized. Studies presented in this issue are neglecting the work itself as a learning source. Future research should focus on the learning potential of jobs, more specifically, the possibilities to integrate work and learning and to develop new work based learning models, rather than just analyse the workplace as a place to deliver training. In this way research can contribute better to life long learning and the development of the organisations as qualifying organisation and learning environment.








Epiloog: Van opleiden op de werkplek naar leren op de werkplek. (2023). Pedagogische Studiën, 78(2). https://testplatform.openjournals.nl/pedagogischestudien/article/view/14778