Research on science education in Europe; Improvement of research activities and results


  • M. Tyerman


The purpose of this contact workshop was to makeProvision for improvising research in science education in member states and for disseminating andappiying its results more effectively.Forthefirst time such research was systematicallydocumented on a European basis. The nationalreports were then analysed to show the current stateof this research, to highlight research tasks andneeds and to indicate what action should be taken. 'Teaching in science' usually starts from an analysisof what pupils need from scientific subjects: whatever is put into the curriculum should be justitled byiissessing such needs. It is generally accepted thatchildren should have an understanding of the physical world around them, to leam to deal with naturalresources in a responsible manner and to act independently in a world that is based on scientifictechnology. It is further agreed that they need aknowledge not only of their bodies and their effective functioning, but also of the rclationship betweenbiology and social problems commonly calledsocial biology. Pupils should have information onwhich to base their choice of future studies, and theiremployment on which eventually the economicwellbeing of their countries might be based.








Research on science education in Europe; Improvement of research activities and results. (2023). Pedagogische Studiën, 54(4).