Round table discussion: dangers and advantages of teaching science fiction


  • Colin Pahlisch Université de Lausanne
  • Gaspard Turin Université de Lausanne



teaching, literary education, science fiction


This document is the transcript of a two-hour meeting, organised by Gaspard Turin and Colin Pahlisch, which took place on Thursday 4 May 2023 at the Haute École Pédagogique in Lausanne (Switzerland), in the form of a public round-table. Both the speakers and the audience were mainly people from upper secondary education (post-compulsory level, pupils aged 15 to 18) from all over the canton, whom we had selected from our extended network for their interest in science fiction teaching and in the interests of gender parity. The aim of the round-table was, on the one hand, to verify our intuitions about local teaching practices, and, on the other, to compare our beliefs and ideas about these practices and about what is at stake in such teaching for the people directly concerned. The audience was made up of a dozen teachers and/or interested parties.

Author Biographies

  • Colin Pahlisch, Université de Lausanne

    Colin Pahlisch is a doctoral student at the University of Lausanne, attached to the Centre de compétences en durabilité (CCD). He coordinates the new Observatoire sur les Récits et Imaginaires de l’Anthropocène (ORIA). He specialises in conjectural literature (science fiction, utopias, dystopias, extraordinary voyages). His work focuses on the imaginaries and narratives of ecological transition from an eco-poetic perspective. He has published numerous articles and is co-author of a book on the poetics of Alain Damasio, La Croisée des souffles (Archipel, 2013).

  • Gaspard Turin, Université de Lausanne

    Gaspard Turin is a research fellow at the University of Lausanne, as part of the DiNarr SNSF project (Didactics of Narratology) directed by R. Baroni. His work focuses on a contemporary literary and cultural corpus from a didactic perspective, as well as on questions of poetic and esthetic form. In 2017 he published Poétique et usages de la liste littéraire. Le Clézio, Modiano, Perec, (Droz). He is the author of numerous articles, notably on Georges Perec, Marie NDiaye, Édouard Levé, Éric Chevillard, or Michel Houellebecq. He is a regular contributor to journals such as Genesis, Cahiers Perec, Transpositio and Fixxion.




How to Cite

“Round table discussion: dangers and advantages of teaching science fiction” (2023) RELIEF - REVUE ÉLECTRONIQUE DE LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE, 17(1), pp. 136–150. doi:10.51777/relief17711.